10 Laser Hair Removal Tips
This list can help you carry out the treatments with as little pain as possible. The laser is effective only to hairs which can absorb the laser light.
For this reason those hair should be seen out side the skin. These laser hair removal tips will make your treatment better and less painful.
Laser hair removal tip 1: Shave.
People ought to shave the hair and enable it to grow rough. This should be done a few days prior to the hair laser removal procedure. The shaving of the hairs makes the stumps hard thus better showing and ready for laser beam to take effect. Because shaving turns to be a weekly routine, it is advised to have a Cleancut ES412 Personal Shaver and Cleancut PS335 T-Shape Personal Shaver
those can be a great solutions for easy, no mess weekly shave.
Laser hair removal tip 2: Do not wax.
The waxing pulls the hair from the root and by that not leaving enough dark surfaces for the laser to absorb. Because of that it is better not to do any waxing of hairy places a couple of days before of the laser light treatments. These two first hair removal tips might make your procedure more successful.
Laser hair removal tip 3: Anesthetic cream.
The laser light pulses can hurt; you can ask your laser doctor to recommend you an anesthetic cream which can be bough at any pharmacy. Use a thick coating with lidocaine on your skin no less than 1 hour ahead of the procedure. Here is Topical Anesthetic Gel with Lidocaine 5% to reduce the pain.
Laser hair removal tip 4: Dangers at laser hair removal.
Some of the most common dangers at laser hair removal treatments are soreness, inflammation, redness and blisters. In those cases inform the clinic and ask their advice for pain relieves. More serious dangers are scarring and skin discoloration (pigmentation) it is best you see the doctor ASAP in order to get the right treatments for this.
Laser hair removal tip 5: Check the laser clinic.
Laser clinics show up in every street corner… because it’s your health here, and the dangers can be painful and serious, make sure you collect enough information on the clinic and performing doctor. Search about the clinic ability to do such treatments, use of technology, added services, law suits. And ask to perform a skin test to see that you are confident with your choice.
Laser hair removal tip 6: The right laser.
There are 5 main lasers used: Ruby laser, alexandrite laser, diode laser, Nd:YAG laser, Non-ionizing radiation laser. each have a unique wave length which can do great removal work on specific skin types. The down side is some can be dangerous with the wrong skin tone. Ask which one is planned for you, how many laser types the clinic uses, and their experience in each.
Laser hair removal tip 7: Do not sign too quickly.
You ought to search for the fine print in the paperwork, understand the ways it applies on you. Ask which other costs are involved except the ones you know of. Take the documents you are asked to sign home, read them carefully without being pressured at the clinic.
Laser hair removal tip 8: Medication.
The main dangers of laser hair removal can be mixing medications. Inform both your family doctor and the laser treatment doctor if you take aspirins, and other non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory medicines, and vitamin supplements like niacin and vitamin E. They will advise you what to do.
Laser hair removal tip 9: Your skin type.
You must know laser hair removal works best when the hair and skin are at color contrast. If you tan (sun or spray) then wait for the tan to lighten first, even if it means postponing the treatments. The reduction of the danger of laser hair removal skin discoloration and burns is worth the time you wait.
Laser hair removal tip 10: Eye protection.
Even when you do laser armpit hair removal, you should put some kind of eye protection. The clinic needs to have goggles for their own crew and you need to insist to get ones too. Rare but very unwanted risk can be blindness danger because of the laser light.
If you follow these 10 tips or laser hair removal, you certainly lower the dangers you face and increase your laser hair removal safety.
If you wish to go even more safe try the home laser removal systems, those usually are less harmful when used correctly since they use light beam instead of laser beam.
Like this FDA cleared home TRIA laser 4X hair removal system which is the newest device by TRIA Beauty. (see image)
UK customers – Get your TRIA 4X laser system HERE
Except for the fact that a home system will cost less that the visits to the clinic, they are more mild and safe way for you to enjoy a nice hairless smooth body.