Finding the Best Laser Hair Growth Cap For Women
At present days there are many types of laser hair growth caps and systems people buy to slow down the hair thinning the hair shedding and the regression of hair line. But which of these laser hair growth cap systems is best for women?
Is there a difference between them to make one type to stand forward than the rest? Read below to learn about the solutions from which you can pick the best hair growth cap for your needs as a woman.
It is known that women hair loss and men hair loss are not similar.
Men lose hair in some very specific patterns, mainly hair loss on the top of the head (priest head), getting a regression of the hair line at the forehead and any combination of both.
Female Hair Loss and Hair Thinning
Women lose hair in a different way. In most cases the hair just gets thinner and thinner all around, until the scalp is very visible through the hair. This type of balding is often due to hormonal changes, hormone imbalance, disease, or some other condition and will affects the whole of the head. The majority of women with androgenic alopecia (hair loss official term) have diffuse thinning on all areas of the scalp.
There are patterns of women hair loss which begin to be seen as parting at the top of the head. These were observed and placed on a chart known as the Ludwig Scale and the Savin Scale.
Here on the right are six out of the nine observed, the three missing are progressed types with more female balding head seen.
Which of the Laser Caps is Best Then For Women?
There are three main players on the laser hair growth caps, all safe and cleared by FDA.
The main laser hair growth caps by brands are:
- Theradome – Laser Hair Growth Helmet
- iRestore – Laser Hair Growth System
- Capillus – 82 Laser Hair Growth Cap
They all use the same technology found effective to stimulate the hair follicle and the skin tissue around it by heating it with the laser light penetrating all the way to it.
Comparing them for women hair regrowth and rejuvenation needs there is one main difference which can be easily seen. The top to devices, the Theradome – Laser Hair Growth Helmet and theĀ iRestore – Laser Hair Growth System are both covering only the top part of the head. Where most men have their hair loss problem.
But as mentioned above and by The American Hair Loss Association the main type of women hair loss and hair problems is not at the top of the head.
The majority of women with androgenic alopecia have diffuse thinning on all areas of the scalp. Men on the other hand, rarely have diffuse thinning but instead have more distinct patterns of baldness.
From all the laser hair growth helmets only the Capillus – 82 Laser Hair Growth Cap has laser diodes all around the sides of the cap too, and not only focusing on the top part.
This means Capillus – 82 Laser Hair Growth Cap can be more effective for women who have hair thinning problems on all sides and can stimulate larger areas of the head.
Click here and check out the Capillus 82 Laser Hair Growth Cap at Amazon.
The Capillus – 82 Laser Hair Growth Cap and the Theradome – Laser Hair Growth Helmet have 80 laser diodes inside them.
The iRestore – Laser Hair Growth System has 51 light spots of which only 20 are laser diodes and 31 are LED lights. So both Capillus and Theradome are superior, able to transfer more light into the scalp and follicle surrounding skin tissue.
Laser therapy to stimulate the hair growth works! There are different results for different people. For women with the female symptoms of hair thinning all around the scalp the Capillus 82 Laser Hair Growth Cap will cover more areas with laser therapy light.
*Note – Don’t use the laser helmet or cap if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.