Total Body Hair Removal Ways Under $200
Here you can learn on ideas for total body hair removal ways. Just like the more costly methods you will need to combine some hair removal ways, to cover the different skin and hair locations. Total hairless body with IPL or home laser, will last longer and even may be permanent when the sessions are carried out as suggested.
The total hairless ways recommended here are less permanent and will need more maintenance and follow up treatments.
The Painfull DIY Hairless Body – Waxing
Ingredients: Wax, Wax warmer, Anesthetics (less than $70 monthly)
Waxing is a quick but painful way for hair removal, with wax you can cover large hairy areas like the chest arms or legs. Facial waxing is possible but it might leave you red skin which you will want to cover with makeup. For back hair removal men have no real option other than the back hair trimmers or a back shaving handle. Males or females pubic hair can be waxed – carefully. Genital areas, anus, testicles, vaginal areas should NOT be waxed !
Waxing can be very painful, it depends on the strength of the hair and the sensitivity of the skin area. Hairs on the chest are more painful to wax than on the legs or even the back. there are number of ways to make the waxing less painful. First of all make sure you know what you are doing… read the instructions carefully.
The timing and sequence is very important to reduce the waxing pain. The wax is needed to be applied warm-hot (careful from over heating and getting burns!). The strips should be placed while the wax is soft and creamy over the body, then it needs to cool and stiffen, to be able to pull the hair out in one (painful) stroke. It may be wiser to use some anesthetics prior to the waxing so it will hurt less. Also make sure you have a cooling gel close at hand to finish the waxing session, by covering the soaring areas with the soothing cream.
The Easy DIY Hairless Body – Electic Shavers
Ingredients: Epilators, Full Body Trimmer, Bikini/Pubic Trimmers ($150 one time investment= less than $10 monthly)
The first investment might be more substantial than the other methods, but in the long run this may be the most cost effective, and hassle free way to DIY bare hairless body. With the rest of the cheap methods a monthly buy will be needed, more wax, more removal creams, more blades and gels.. and the other methods are a bit more mess to follow as a routine.
The electric shavers, trimmers, and epilators have a great advantage on the waxing – they are much less painful, or not painful at all! Compared to the good old shaving they are better as they can be done faster, while you are dry, and there is less to clean during and after you are over.
It is recommended to have a the specific trimmer or epilator to each body and hair removal needs, and not try to cover he whole body with one device. First of all your results will be much better, second it will be less painful and third your electric devices will last longer.
Facial hair trimmers are more delicate, you will see they have a fine slim tip, this tip will help you not only remove facial hair but also to design it at your will, sideburns or eyebrows. Most of these epilators are not expensive. Body epilators have stronger pulling ability, and usually have wider 2 inch epilating surface, they are great for legs and body epilation. If you need total body hair removal you might want to use some anesthetics prior to the treatment, so epilating hairs from underarms, chest and arms might hurt more than other body parts.
Back hair shavers need to have a longer handle so men could reach with them further down the back, using a regular shaver may be difficult for a person to be doing it without help.
Bikini line or pubic line hair should be removed with a more delicate trimmer device than the body epilators. Bikini – Pubic trimmers usually have a wider trimming comb than the facial fine tips and they need to be stronger than the facial trimmers to shave much coarser hairs. The good ones will allow you to trim French “landing strip” or even a Brazilian “take it all off” style..
Women and men might enjoy to be able to remove all body hair at the shower or bath, for those wet style hair removers the are Wet/Dry Epilators, those can be taken into the shower(!) the warm bath and expanding skin pores may reduce the discomfort and leave less cleaning and hassle after the hair removal is done.
The Weekly Hassle DIY Hairless Body – Manually
Ingredients: Blade Shave, Hair Removal Creams ($25 monthly)
For those who do not have any budget but still want a bare smooth hairless body, there is an option for getting a weekly treatment, and removing the body hair manually. As you may already understand this way is the cheapest way to remove body hair, but it is the most time consuming, and most messy to follow.
All you need to do is to have a clean fresh razor sharp blade (don’t be too cheap and use the same razor over and over..) dull blades will nick and cut your skin , so saving $3 a month is not worth the suffer and the red spots..
Most of this can be done in the shower, allow the warm water to soak the skin and moisturize it, you may even use the hair conditioner to soften your body hairs some more. Apply a thick rich cover of shaving gel, rub it and let it stay for 10 seconds on the place you plan to shave. Use the shaving handle in long strokes pressed to the skin. If you do it careful the whole body can be shaved in this way.
You may want to have a Fogless Mirror at the bath so you will be able to see what you are doing.
If you have a hairy back, then you will need the Back Shaver Handle, just simply place your regular razor blade handle in the “hammer” and in gentle strokes shave the back hair. You may want to have the back gel applying handle to run the shaving gel or conditioner on the back hair before you start shaving.
You can complete the shaving session every other week by using hair removal creams, they will ‘melt’ down the growing hairs so you do not have to shave the whole body every week. Make sure to use only facial hair removal creams for the face and Bikini/Pubic hair and regular hair removal creams for the rest of the body.
You will need (Click links to buy from Amazon):