Theradome vs Laser Cap (Capillus)
[Affiliate disclosure, all links to amazon are affiliate links] You might have seen the Theradome and the Capillus Laser Cap at Amazon, and with similar specs wonder which of them is better? Which of these two is worth your investment? Which of them Theradome vs Laser Cap would be better for your needs. We compared here the features, pros and cons to help you reach a decision.
They are both considered top notch solutions, with a higher purchasing price tag attached. Check below the detailed comparison between them.
As you can see for the chart above there are some differences between the Theradome and the Capillus 82 laser cap.
The Capillus 82 laser cap has some advantages over the Theradome which in our opinion makes it a better choice. When these advantages add up together with a better price, well it just mean we have a winner.
Amount of lasers – The Capillus 82 lasers are spread evenly over the whole inner side of the cap. This is a great advantage for those with hair thinning all around – mainly women!
Helmet or Cap? One can argue which design looks better. But in our case the device itself is not something you would wear to get attention. It’s the opposite, one would want as little attention as possible while wearing this laser device over the head.
If you are at home, then it doesn’t really matter which you wear, they are both portable and you can wear them and move about the house.
But since the helmet looks different and strange, most people would feel much better even within their house to wear a cap. Check the video you can see a senior woman with the hair growth laser cap. Would she feel the same casual comfort to put an helmet on?
There are windows, and guests and people at the door, and kids friends and so on. The helmet attracts more attention than a cap.
If you want total freedom with the portable option, then the cap is much better when it comes to leaving the house. Even to sit at the yard or drive a car, or walk the dog.
Click here to order the Capillus 82 Laser cap from Amazon.
When looking at the overall pros and cons, the laser cap is a better solution compared to the Theradome. On top of this the laser cap costs $100 less than the Theradme laser helmet.
With all the added features and the FDA approval for men, when comparing the Theradome vs Laser cap, the cap is currently a better solution and value for money to purchase.