Does Flash&Go Permanent Hair Removal Device Work

Does It Work: Flash&Go Hair Removal Device

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Does Flash&Go Permanent Hair Removal Device WorkBefore you buy the ‘Flash&Go’ by Silk’n here are some facts you might want to know. The main question is does Flash&Go work. What are the main pros and cons of the Silk’n Flash&Go hair removal system.

Flash&Go is the new hair removal system by Silk’n, it has all the upgrades you can expect from a Silk’n hair removal system. Silk’n has been leading the hair removal industry for many years with their innovative HPL (Home Pulsed Light) technology.

Lets cut the chase, does Flash&Go hair removal device work? Yes, it does.

Silk’n Flash&Go Does Work

But Silk’n Flash&Go is not a permanent hair removal device, because no light based device can claim ‘permanent results’. The official claim should be ‘permanent hair reduction’ (not permanent hair removal). Except from this technical issue, the Silk’n Flash&Go will deliver what it promise.

A success in the IPL hair removal devices is when 80% of the hair cease to regrow, and permanent reduction is achieved. There are numerous factors to a successful hair removal treatments, skin thickness, hair thickness, hormonal factors, natural melanin production. But if you have the right skin tone and hair color than there are great chances the Flash&Go hair removal would work for you.

The Flash&Go Hair Removal Cons

There is no such thing as ‘the perfect machine’ and also the Flash&Go hair removal device has some cons. The first thing is that compared to the TRIA laser, the Flash&Go is not cordless. This means the home treatments need to be done close to a power connection.

The second thing is that compared to other IPL systems, the replacement cartridge hold only 1000 flashes. Though it is 25% more than the SensEpil device (750 flashes) it is still less than the Remington IPL (1500 flashes) or the Me my ELOS (5400 flashes).

The Flash&Go has a small 4 cm² IPL window. Unlike other systems which have 6 cm². This means treating any skin surface would take 30% more time. 

 The Flash&Go Hair Removal Pros

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Silkn Flash &Go Hair Removal DeviceThere are many pros to the Flash&Go device. Some of the cons can be pros too, depends on the user needs.

 The system has a cord. Unlike the cordless TRIA with the Flash&Go you will never have ‘low battery’ or system shut down due to low power (common in the TRIA). You can be sure you will be able to complete any treatment no matter how long it takes.

So when you compare the Flash&Go vs the TRIA it is up to you to decide which feature is best for you.

Small 4 cm² IPL treatment window. The small window can be an advantage when treating small skin surface areas. When you treat the underarms or the the bikini line, a small window becomes an advantage. When treating the upper lips or chin, the  Flash & Go small window becomes a huge advantage.

Faster flash rates. The Flash&Go device has a faster flash rates when compared to the Silk’n SensEpil. The new Silk’n Flash&Go device can a pulse every 3.5 seconds. This flash rate means quicker treatment sessions at home, doing each part in less time. 3.5 pulses per second is the common flash rate of other IPL systems.

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Our Flash&Go Device Review

The Flash&Go device is brought to you from the Silk’n company. The company who is leading the home hair removal systems in the last few years (together with the TRIA laser). The Flash&Go Permanent Hair Removal Device will certainly work for you and can achieve (with the right candidates) the promised results. Remember you should expect permanent reduction of hair and not total hair removal.

The Flash&Go has an attractive price too, when you compare it to similar devices like the Viss Beauty IPL ($595) or the Me my ELOS IPL+RF ($699) it’s price is lucrative.

Even if you compare it to the TRIA laser ($395) the Flash&Go device still has a better value for money, as you can purchase it in $100 less than TRIA  laser.

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 Check More Flash & Go Device Comparisons

  1. Flash & Go Compared To Remington IPL
  2. Flash & Go Vs SensEpil Device
  3. Flash & Go System Review