Tria Laser For Men Hair Removal
Many men need a solution for hair removal at home. Unlike women who feel comfortable going to beauty salons, men feel it is some what awkward to step into those beauty clinics. Men need a private way to remove hairs at home. The solution for male hair removal at home is by using the home removal systems. Tria laser is the best selling laser system for home hair removals, for men (and for women).
The Tria laser is the first ever home ‘laser hair removal system’, it has FDA clearance and when used by the right candidate it can reduce dramatically the unwanted hair growth.
Candidates For TRIA Laser Hair Removal
Most men who seek for hair removal solutions, want to remove upper body hair: chest, neck, shoulders, arms, armpits, abdominal and pubic hair. Some men wish to remove scrotum hairs too, and be totally bare.
For the TRIA to be effective (and safe) the male candidate should be with dark hair and pale skin. The Tria will not succeed to remove grey hairs or white hairs. Tria is also not recommended to be used on dark skin tones or tanned skin. Using the TRIA by men with dark skin can be more painful or just a wast of money, because the TRIA has a safety sensor which locks the system from emitting laser on dark skin.
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Is TRIA Suitable For Men
The TRIA has many pros but some cons. Before you decide to buy a TRIA laser for home you should know what to expect.
Laser hair removal requires 2-3 month of treatments cycle. You will not see immediate results after one treatment. (This is true for TRIA or professional laser salons).
TRIA laser treatments are not ‘pain free’. The laser zapping can cause discomfort (AKA pain.).
Laser treatment takes time. Each session can be quite slow, cause the laser tip is very small 1 cm², and to cover the chest you will need to overlap and zap hundreds of times.
How Men Can Manage TRIA Laser Pain
Women can stand pains better than men, so if you are a man and plan to do body laser hair removal, note that LASER zapping is painful. It can be bearable when the skin is thick, but gets less pleasant where the skin is sensitive (lower abdominal, pubic..) There are ways men can reduce the TRIA laser pains.
The first thing is to lower the energy level. There are 5 laser levels and switching to a lower level will reduce the discomfort.
The second thing is to use ice packs. Placing a freezing pack on the skin will numb it for a few seconds so it can be treated with less pains.
Using numbing gels for Tria laser hair removal. There are several numbing creams you can buy which will numb the area for a more peaceful treatment. Make sure to use these anesthetic creams according to the safety instructions.
TRIA Pros For Men’s Hair Removal
Tria can be great for removing hair at home. So you do not have to go to beauty salons and waste time and money to be treated by others. Using the TRIA you can remove pubic or scrotum hair, at your own privacy.. Most men will not let a women zap their balls..
Laser is effective, and will free you from weekly shaving or even daily shaving.
The TRIA is cordless, so it can be used anywhere.
Using TRIA at home is hassle free, just point and shoot, with no complicated or messy treatments or odors like waxing hairs off.
Buy HERE – TRIA Laser From Amazon
Buying TRIA Laser For Men
Never buy a used TRIA laser device. In case you did not know, TRIA machines have a limited amount of laser energy in their diode system (enough to pulse 44,000 zaps) or something like that. Buying a cheap TRIA laser may be a disappointing experience when it will ‘run out’ of laser sooner than you expect.
The price of TRIA laser has dropped significantly in the last year. Each TRIA was once sold for $800, then the price was reduced to $500. Last year the TRIA was upgraded (TRIA generation 3.0) and the price reduced even more to $395.
Buy HERE – TRIA Laser From Amazon
UK customers – Get your TRIA laser system HERE
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