Price Axing For Home Hair Removal Systems
Is there something we miss? Why are home hair removal systems price being axed into the lowest price ever. If you are searching for at-home laser hair removal system, or for an IPL hair removal device, you are looking at the lowest price level ever on this category.
Once a laser hair removal at home was a high-tech machine, laser at home was a breakthrough technology. The first ever system with laser at home, was the TRIA laser. If you wanted at 2009 to get your hairs removed by laser at home, you would need to say bye bye to at least $1000!
First Price Chop-Chop
Then there was a price drop when the first IPL systems have been showing around. IPL was a new patent which removed hair with photo-thermal process like laser, but without the laser side effects. The TRIA laser price was dropped to $750 when the first IPL have been seen at amazon.
Second Price Axing One Year Ago
Then more and more IPL system have been released. Their price have been very competitive, and the TRIA laser had no choice but to cut off their price once again. A TRIA Laser was sold at Amazon a year ago at 2011, for $550
The Silk’n SensEpil was once the best IPL (non laser) hair removal system. It had an outrageous price ($700), because they offered a replaceable cartridge which allowed a full body treatment at $50 instead of $700 at a beauty clinic.
But more and more IPL systems have been released and the Silk’n SensEpil had to stay competitive, and lower their price. A few month ago it was sold at for $550, but then another landslide happened when TRIA has dropped their price, and Silk’n had to catch up. You can get a Silk’n hair removal with their HPL (home pulsed technology) for about $350 today!!
The new Remington IPL6000 i Light Pro, was released with the price tag of $250! With the new release of the Remington the sales of the system blasted from the roof. In 6 month they have as much customer reviews on amazon as TRIA has!
The new entry will cause other IPL to bend over, and lower their price or they will suffer a decrease in sales. The Remington is as good as any other system (and even better than some of them), and acquired with a lower price, it is s best seller already.
If you want a leading IPL with high customer rates, and a price tag which is well below the $300, the Remington IPL 6000 I Light Pro is the best offer you can place your hands on! See more about Remington IPL here before you buy.
ELOS Is Still Not Affected By These Changes
The only system which is not affected by the price depression of the hair removal systems is the Me my ELOS, which is based on the ELOS technology by Syneron’s patent. The new ELOS breakthrough, which is used mainly at professional clinics was released on amazon for $800. Because the ELOS has no competition and is far superior to other systems, it has managed to keep it’s price level. Syneron did adjust the price to a more appealing level to $695, to gain a larger market share for its premium product.
If you can afford it, you can read more about the best hair removal system for home use – HERE. Me ELOS treatments are faster compared to other system, they use higher joules level but are less painful and can offer a solution for darker skin tones which can not use other systems due to personal safety restrictions.
If you wish to get one, you can get here your at-home Me my ELOS superior hair removal technology system.
If you are able to afford it, the Me my ELOS serves a higher value to users, utilizing the ELOS technology.
UK customers – Get your Me my ELOS Homedics system HERE
Read more on Remington & Me my ELOS Systems: