New TRIA Laser Hair Removal – Review

Next Generation TRIA Hair Removal Laser

The leading TRIA Beauty has released at the end of March the new Tria laser hair removal system. This new upgraded home laser system has improved features all making a fine laser hair removal product even better. In this new Tria laser hair removal review, you can read about the new device and learn how it is different from the former Tria laser and find out how it upgrades the hair removal process at home.

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The TRIA laser overview

One of the main down sides of the former TRIA laser hair removal was the slow hair laser epilation, which was slow 2.2 sec’ per hair, and the charging and recharging needed for the TRIA laser hand set, which is the device that actually does the laser hair removal process. Since each beam had a 2.2 sec’ repetition rate the overall home session was quite slow, and needed a precise overlapping tiny movements for complete skin surface coverage. The hand piece was capable of 250 pulses (at the highest level) so after this amount of laser pulses, the TRIA laser had to be re-charged for two hours till the it is capable to proceed. The new Tria laser is improving all these users experience parameters.


The Newest  TRIA Hair Removal Laser

Tria Beauty company has launched an upgraded version of the former TRIA, like the Japanese Kay-zen philosophy “Even good things can be improved” , a good best seller home laser system was just improved. The innovation of the TRIA scientists made it more versatile to use, so the NEW Tria laser can help people remove hair in shorter sessions and more efficiently. Here are the main changes made in the New next generation TRIA laser:

  • New TRIA laser hair removal PanelNew TRIA Digital Display – The new digital display makes it easy to see all information you need during the laser session, what laser level are you using, what is the battery charge level and the skin lock (on/off) current position.
  • New 5 Laser Levels – The new TRIA laser hair removal has 5 energy light laser levels (unlike 3 in the former TRIA) So a customer can choose the highest level he or she are comfortable for the specific body location they are treating. So while most can stand a level 5 for legs , they can lower it to level 3 for under arm hair removal or upper thigh hair removal, and use the level 1 for breast or nipple hair removal, where the skin in extra sensitive.
  • Shorter Charging Time – The New Tria laser had device can be fully charged in 1.5 hours, which is 25% faster than the former Tria laser hand piece charging time.
  • Faster Laser Treatments Sessions – The former Tria laser was a skin ‘push’ sensor, so the beam was pulsed only when pressing action was done on the skin, the next generation Tria laser system can be glided too, without being lifted from the skin, which makes the session faster and more easy to preform. So now with the new TRIA laser customers enjoy 50% faster treatment times for levels 1 and 2, 25% faster for level 3, 20% faster for levels 4 and 5.

The New TRIA Laser Conclusion

The ever changing markets for home laser systems are red hot, and the competition is high (the new Me my elos hair removal release earlier this year) we as consumers are the great winners with better products and better hair removal solutions for home use.

Tria Laser Review The Newest TRIA has it’s own advantages over competing IPL systems, it is the only FDA-cleared device for laser hair removal at home, it is cordless (unlike the DM 5000 hair removal or DM 6050 Laser system) so you can use it anywhere and any time, the 5 levels make it more bearable for more people, and with the ‘skin tone’ safety lock it is still one of the safest home hair removal system to use.

This NEW Tria laser hair removal review is anticipating for your comments and reviews (no spam), fell free to share your thoughts on the ‘next generation Tria laser’ system.

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